Tag: create

Sea creature

During the past two weeks on Friday we have been creating sea animals for Play, Make, Create. I chose a Seahorse because they are my favourite animal. Here are some facts about Seahorses.

There are at least 50 species of Seahorses.

Seahorses are tiny fishes that are named for the shape of their head, which looks like the head of a tiny horse.

Seahorses can be any colour.



Today for Play, Make, Create we made an acrostic poem about ‘SNOW’. We then had to make a paper creation to put on the window. We got to choose from Snow Sled, Snowman, Snowflake, Snow Angel or anything that started with snow.

I enjoyed making the Snowman
I am feeling excited about going to the snow in 2 weeks time because…
Here is my work



Today for Play, Make, Create we read a story “The Magic School Bus makes a Rainbow” 

We were allowed to create our own rainbow using the materials. 

I created a digital rainbow with 3 facts.


Three rainbow facts I learnt are; 

1.Rainbows are formed with light and water

2. Rainbows have 7 beautiful colours

  1. Rainbows cannot be touched


Here is my rainbow writing.

Once upon a time there was a rainbow called Sara. By day Sara would dance in the raindrops. By night she would sleep.

One day an explorer called Sally decided to find a rainbow.


That day Sally set off far and wide in search of a rainbow. Soon Sally found a mountain to set up camp. Sally soon felt a drop of water plonk on her head. It was raining, but the sun was still out. Later a rainbow appeared. Sally couldn’t believe her eyes. “Hello down there!” the rainbow called. “What’s your name? said Sally yelling her head off. The rainbow did not answer. Soon before Sally knew it the rainbow started fading. “NOO!” Sally yelled.


Sally was so sad she packed up and went home. That moment Sally had an idea. “I’ll reunite the colours with water!” She said, So Sally went to the nearest water source, Soon she found a lake. Good thing she brought her bucket. Sally scooped up water and ran back up the hill and splashed the rainbow and the rainbow was colourful again.


Sally walked in the dark night home. The next morning she was home in her soft bed, and they all lived happily ever after.





Pohutukawa poem

This week we learnt about Pōhutukawa, the eldest star in the Matariki cluster. We read the story “Haere – Farewell, Jack, Farewell” By Tim Tipene.
For the poem we had to complete a piece of writing about love, remembrance or someone who had passed away. We had to include alliteration and similes.
We had to complete a reading task about this book. I chose to do A comic strip
For Play, Make, Create we made a ‘Poetree’ and we created a creature or flower. Here is a picture of our Poetree with our poems and creations.


This week we have learnt about ANZAC. We read The Red Poppy and then wrote a poem using onomatopoeia and rhyme. Then we created a piece of collage art with poppies. Today we had Play Make Create. We read ANZAC Ted then we had to choose a task to complete. I chose to do the minecraft task