Animal Report.

We have been writing Animal Reports for our writing for the past few weeks. The animal we chose had to be important or native to NZ. Here are 2 animal reports I have made already. Here is my work. Hope you enjoy. My first one is the Kakapo Fact file. My last one is my Kiwi Fact File.

Family Tree Minecraft

We have been learning about our Family tree. We were allowed to create it on Minecraft. I created my Family tree in Minecraft. Nana , Poppa, Dad and Violet are on the right side. Nana B, Mum, Me and Grace are on the left side. Hope you enjoy my Minecraft Family Tree. This was for the Pohutukawa star for our Matariki learning.

Matariki Writing.

We have been learning about the Matariki stars. We have been doing some writing about it.

Here is my writing for today. I wrote about Waiti and Waita. Here is my work.

Kupe and the Giant Wheke

We have been learning about Kupe and the Giant Wheke. Kupe was sick of not having ANY fish for his people. Muturangi had a pet Wheke. He realised that the Giant Wheke was behind it.  Kupe wanted to kill Te Wheke. While he was chasing him. He found a long white cloud. Known today as Aotearoa. (New Zealand.) I made a clay model of the Giant Wheke. Here is my work.

Poppy Pixel art

We have been doing Poppy pixel art in class. Personally, I think that Pixel art is an awesome app to do art on. But your opinion may be different.But it is O.K to have different opinions at times. We have also been learning about the Maori Battalion. Here is my outstanding work.

Battle Of Ohaeawai

On Thursday 27th April 2023 we went to visit the Battle of Ohaeawai site. We learn about the Battle and where it happened and how the maori designed and built a safe area for their tribe. It was  made out of puriri wood. It then had a layer of flax between so the cannons bounced off. They also had bunkers deeper for saftey. Here is my play, make, create interpretation.

Lumerick Poems

This week we did poems for writing. It was lots of fun and a good change from our formal narritive structured writing. I had to write a Lumerick poem. I did an ANZAC poem by myself. Today I did an Easter poem with Eden. It was tricky to do one about ANZAC day because Lumerick poems are supposed to be funny and ANZAC day is not. A lumerick has to have  line 1,2 &5 =8 syllables. Line 3&4=5 syllables. Here is my mahi.